Recogida inteligente y sostenible de residuos para entornos zonas urbanos

Los sistemas de recogida de residuos de Envac gestionan los residuos de los hogares, negocios y espacios públicos. Al transportar los residuos a través de una red de tuberías subterráneas, se ahorra espacio , se reducen las rutas de los camiones y se disminuyen las emisiones de carbono y el ruido.

Descubre más sobre nuestras soluciones y cómo se implementan en diferentes entornos. Contáctanos para saber cómo podemos ayudarte.

Outdoor disposal point

The inlets, one for each type of waste/reclables, are placed close to the building for comfort. The easier it is to dispose of sorted waste, the more will be sorted.

The sealed system removes foul smell and can be placed close to residential buildings, making littering a
thing of the past. Our system reduces waste collection traffic and the noise, emissions and pollution
associated with it by up to 90%, making city life greener, cleaner and more sustainable.

Waste inlet

The waste inlets are connected to an underground pipe network that transports the bags from the inlets to the waste collection station.

Waste disposals point

The indoor waste disposals points can be placed on each floor or in the entrance hall.

Vertical storage chute

This is where the bags are stored until the chute is reaching full level. Sensors in the chute send a signal to the waste collection station and an emptying circle is started.

Powerful fans, in the station, create an airflow in the pipes. Transport air is let into the system.

Waste collection station

The waste collection station is located as far away as possible from the apartments, ideally close to a main

With Envac there is no longer need for trucks to drive up to each building to collect household waste, it is
collected at the terminal building only.

The area becomes less noisy, the street environment safer and the air cleaner.


Full containers are taken to the recycling center and returned empty.


Self-emptying litterbins can be connected to the system.


Powerful fans create an airflow in the pipes.


The bags are transported to the collection station at 70 kph.

Air inlet valve

The Air inlet valve let transport air into the system at signal from the control system.


The resilient system is part of the smart city’s infrastructure and available 24/7/365.

Diverter valve

The diverter valve directs the bags to the correct cyclone and container.


In the cyclone the transport air is separated from the bags.

Air outlet

The transport air is filtered before being released.


The valve opens on signal when system is pressurized.


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