Recogida inteligente y sostenible de residuos para entornos zonas urbanos

Los sistemas de recogida de residuos de Envac gestionan los residuos de los hogares, negocios y espacios públicos. Al transportar los residuos a través de una red de tuberías subterráneas, se ahorra espacio , se reducen las rutas de los camiones y se disminuyen las emisiones de carbono y el ruido.

Descubre más sobre nuestras soluciones y cómo se implementan en diferentes entornos. Contáctanos para saber cómo podemos ayudarte.

Airports Cities Healthcare


Airports are complex environments with lots of people moving through them in a limited amount Of time. Airports also have a high demand for security and safety. The Envac systems help Face the immense logistical challenges of any airport, making waste collection Cost-efficient and secure.


Envac’s automated waste collection system makes urban environments cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable. The smart system reduces air pollution and carbon emissions caused by waste collection traffic, eliminates smell and mess associated with traditional waste collection and makes unsafe and unsanitary waste collection a thing of the past.


Envac’s automated waste collection system eliminates the need to transport laundry in trolleys or carts outside patient wards, minimizing the spread of germs and bacteria while also reducing operational costs.