El sistema de recogida neumática de residuos de Envac es la solución preferida en muchas ciudades de todo el mundo. Se suele utilizar en zonas mixtas, donde los edificios residenciales comparten el sistema con, por ejemplo, hoteles, edificios de oficinas, bancos, colegios, centros comerciales, calles peatonales, parques (con papeleras que se vacían de manera automática). El sistema se instala tanto en nuevas urbanizaciones como en zonas consolidadas, como los centros históricos de las ciudades.
Other Areas

Waste disposals point
The indoor waste disposals points can be placed on each floor or in the entrance hall.
Air inlet valve
The Air inlet valve let transport air into the system at signal from the control system.

Waste inlet
The waste inlets are connected to an underground pipe network that transports the bags from the inlets to the waste collection station.

Outdoor disposal point
The inlets, one for each type of waste/reclables, are placed close to the building for comfort. The easier it is to dispose of sorted waste, the more will be sorted.
The sealed system removes foul smell and can be placed close to residential buildings, making littering a thing of the past. Our system reduces waste collection traffic and the noise, emissions and pollution associated with it by up to 90%, making city life greener, cleaner and more sustainable.

Vertical storage chute
This is where the bags are stored until the chute is reaching full level. Sensors in the chute send a signal to the waste collection station and an emptying circle is started.
Powerful fans, in the station, create an airflow in the pipes. Transport air is let into the system.

The bags are transported to the collection station at 70 kph.

Self-emptying litterbins can be connected to the system.

Waste collection station
The waste collection station is located as far away as possible from the apartments, ideally close to a main road.
With Envac there is no longer need for trucks to drive up to each building to collect household waste, it is collected at the terminal building only.
The area becomes less noisy, the street environment safer and the air cleaner.

When a container is full, it is detached from the compactor and loaded onto a truck for transport to the recycling center, where it is emptied and returned.

Powerful fans generate the necessary airflow in the pipes to transport the waste to the terminal.

Air outlet
The transport air is filtered before release, making it cleaner than when it first entered the system.

In the cyclone, the transport air is separated from the bags, allowing the bags to slide toward the compactor under the combined effect of the cyclone’s and gravity.
When the waste reaches the compactor from the cyclone, a vertical tray pushes it into the container to make the most of its capacity.

Diverter valve
Once the waste reaches the terminal, it is directed to its corresponding cyclone through the diversifying valve. So, each type of waste will reach the container for its fraction.

Available 24/7/365
The resilient system is part of the smart city’s infrastructure and available 24/7/365.
Sistemas relacionados

Separación óptica
Gracias a sus soluciones innovadoras para el reciclaje, Envac lidera el camino hacia un futuro más sostenible, promoviendo al mismo tiempo la economía circular. Nuestras soluciones de separación y recogida de residuos pueden ser utilizadas por ciudades de todos los tamaños y reducen los costes de transporte y recogida en al menos un 50% en comparación con los sistemas tradicionales.

El sistema neumático móvil fue desarrollado a finales de la década de 1980 como un complemento al sistema neumático tradicional de Envac. Desde entonces, miles de áreas residenciales, especialmente en los países nórdicos, han implantado esta solución, mejorando de manera significativa.
Nuestro innovador sistema neumático de recogida de residuos ayuda a promover el desarrollo de ciudades inteligentes y sostenibles. Nuestro sistema mejora la calidad de vida en las ciudades ya que reduce las emisiones y proporciona puntos de vertido de residuos limpios, higiénicos y verdes tanto para los residentes como para los comercios.

Cities Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
En 2002, se instaló el primer sistema de Envac en las calles principales del casco histórico peatonal de Vitoria.

20 años gestionando sus residuos con sistemas de Recogida Neumática Envac

Dos nuevos sistemas para una Ciudad Sostenible