Centros sanitarios

El sistema Envac para la gestión de residuos y ropa sucia en centros sanitarios minimiza significativamente el contacto físico entre las personas y los materiales contaminados. En lugar de transportar las bolsas en carritos por los pasillos y ascensores, los residuos y la ropa sucia se transportan en una red de tuberías cerradas. Este enfoque innovador fomenta un entorno más seguro y agradable para los pacientes, el personal y los visitantes.

Other Areas

Air inlet Inlet point Infectious waste Air inlet Pipe network Automatically controlled Collection station Soiled linen bags drop Infectious waste Containers

Air inlet

Air inlet valve for the infectious waste transport pipe.

Inlet point

The number of inlet points and their location are defined by the functions of the hospital. Green pipe for general hospital waste and recyclables Red for soiled linen.

The inlets can be fitted with touchless technology that uses sensors for access control. The sensors recognize if it is waste, recyclables, laundry, or infectious waste, that is being disposed of.

Without any physical contact with buttons, handles, or panels to dispose of the waste, the spread of infections is minimized.


Infectious waste

Infectious waste is collected in a separate, hermetically sealed pipe (yellow pipe).

The closed system and touchless waste inlets minimize the spread of infections, direct transmission, and accidents.

Air inlet

Air inlet valve for waste and linen transport pipes.

Pipe network

The pipe network runs from the inlet points to the collection station hidden behind walls, in ceilings and in the service corridors.

This ensures that the system remains discreet and unobtrusive while saving valuable square footage which can be utilized for other purposes.

Automatically controlled

All processes are automatically controlled by Envac’s own development Envac Automation Platform (EAP).

Collection station

All materials are collected at one single point. The collection station is typically located in the technical area at the back of the hospital.

Soiled linen bags drop

Soiled linen bags drop into containers for transport to laundry facility.

Infectious waste

Infectious waste is collected in a separate, hermetically sealed pipe (yellow pipe).

The closed system and touchless waste inlets minimize the spread of infections, direct transmission, and accidents.


Full containers are taken to the recycling center and returned empty.

Proyectos Envac para el sector sanitario

Lee más sobre otros proyectos del sector sanitario donde se utiliza la tecnología de Envac.