Las instalaciones de clasificación óptica de residuos domésticos (o sorting) son sistemas avanzados diseñados para la recogida y clasificación de residuos de una forma rentable y eficiente. Esta tecnología se basa en la separación por colores en origen; es decir, cada hogar debe separar sus residuos y materiales reciclables en bolsas de diferentes colores. Todas las bolsas se recogen en un solo contenedor, por lo que no hay que hacer una ruta adicional y se puede seguir utilizando la infraestructura ya instalada.
En la central de clasificación, las bolsas se identifican por su color mediante cámaras y robots de clasificación y se desvían a cada fracción correspondiente. Una vez separadas, las fracciones de residuos o bien se procesan como biometano o se envían a otras instalaciones de reciclaje para producir materia prima para nuevos productos.
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Waste Collection
Envac Sorting can be used with manual collection equipment or with an automated waste collection system. The same sorting plant is used no matter the collection method.

Residual waste
Residual waste, i.e. all waste that cannot be material recycled, is brought to an incineration facility where it used as fuel to produce central heat and power. In countries, where waste incineration is not applied, it is landfilled.

At the end of the sorting process, the sorted fractions are collected in a large container. From here they are transported by truck or train to a material recycling facility to they can be brought back into usage.

Waste to fuel
Organic waste is transferred to a digetion facility to produce enviromentally friendly bio-methane whitch drives the waste truck. No need for fossil diesel fuel.

Recycling facility
The bag as are brought to a central recycling facility. From the waste bunker, the bags are transferred via conveyor belts to the optical sorting stations where the bags are separated according to their colour.

Easily maintained
All bags are disposed in the same bin. The bin is emptied using one truck only.

Sorting at home
Households separate their waste into different fractions at home, in bags with different colours. One colour for one fraction.