27.000 tons/year
With the increasing demands of the Swedish national goals the municipality of Halmstad chose optical sorting of household waste.
The main reason for chosing optical sorting was how easy the system could be introduced in the whole city.
Different coloured bags that do not leak are thrown in the same waste bins as before. With optical sorting there is no need for replacing the bins nor replacing the waste trucks.
27.000 tons/year
Food and residual waste
The plant is owned and operated by HEM (Halmstad Energi och Miljö AB). It’s built for two fractions, food and residual waste, with the option to easily extend it to six fractions. The brand new building also contains a pre-treatment facility for the sorted food waste, which becomes biofuel.
The sorting plant can easily be extended to sort additional waste fractions such packaging waste. This option was already taken into consideration in the design of the plant.
The choice fell upon optical sorting, because it could be introduced with a minimum of efforts for the company and the households
Åsa Montan Halmstad Energi och Miljö AB
Sorting Biostoom Beringen, Belgium
The Limburg Optimo Sorting Facility, launched in 2022, serves 32 municipalities and over 300,000 households. It currently sorts five waste fractions: food waste, garden waste, textile waste, residual waste, and plastic/metal packaging. The facility is built to be flexible, with the option to add two more fractions in the future.
Sorting Eskilstuna, Sweden
Eskilstuna was early with household waste recycling. With the higher demands of The National Goals the municipality introduced optical sorting. Within only a few months the target of 50% sorted waste was accomplished.
Sorting Linköping, Sweden
The target is a region Östergötland without fossil fules in 2030. This was the main political factor for the municipality of Linköping to introduce household collection of food waste using optical sorting.