Envac contributes to global sustainability goals

Our planet needs the positive reinforcement now more than ever before and the UN Sustainable Development Goals are the perfect way to make a positive impact. Envac is dedicated to making waste management more innovative and accessible to reduce the impact of current global challenges. With the technologies at our fingertips, it’s clearer than ever that we can be the change and do our part for future generations. In 2015, the United Nations established the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to make the world more sustainable before 2030. The SDG:s cover a wide scope of issues from sanitation and preventing infectious diseases; to clean water and air; to resilient urban environments and reduced fossil fuel consumption. Our system tackles these challenges and helps cities, organisations, and businesses do their part to reach the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

As businesses, governments, and communities continue to prioritise sustainability initiatives, the importance of UN Sustainable Goals has become increasingly evident. Smart cities are investing in Envac’s automated waste collection as a sustainable, ingenious solution to reduce their environmental footprint and create a more endurable future. From optimising services to meet local needs and limiting truck traffic in cities, to reducing waste output, improving recycling behaviour, and creating jobs, Envac is providing a progressive, automated solution for many cities around the world. It’s obvious that when it comes to global sustainability we must act together and work in harmony to preserve our planet for the future.

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Leaving no one behind means not leaving behind the waste generated by humans. The UN Sustainable Development Goal 3 focuses on good health and well-being, yet many areas of the world are still struggling with managing their waste and tackling the effects of a throwaway society. In current society, handling waste remains the top priority, with a move towards a circular economy and increased investment in sustainable technology. Our system promotes user safety and health as it prevents unsanitary conditions, odours and vermin and our touchless technology reduces the transmission of diseases. As waste collection traffic is reduced in densely populated areas, deaths and injuries from traffic accidents are minimised. Our solutions for hospitals promote safer handling of contaminated laundry, as well as medical waste within the hospital.

Promote sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all

From fair wages, safe working conditions to green initiatives, Envac is making steady progress toward economic growth that works for everyone. Our focus is running the automated platform with sustainable business strategies. From lean processes to green energy initiatives, we help building a world that values its people and planet. Our work process creates innovative and sustainable economic models that reduce inequality and create win-win situations for all involved.

Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation

Our system is resilient and continues to operate even in extreme conditions. Our installation on Roosevelt Island, NYC has been in operation since 1975 and operated through both the heavy snowstorm of 2010 and hurricane Sandy in 2012. It is also possible to retrofit our system in existing delicate urban areas. This has been done for example in the historical environment in Bergen, Norway and in Northern Spain, with great success.


Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Sustainable cities are becoming a precedence for many countries and local governments. With UN Sustainable Goals in mind, automated waste collection is on the agenda in many cities and has been identified as a key factor in creating sustainable, livable environments. With the ever-growing urbanisation, the pressure to create sustainable, smart cities increase. Envac helps to create more sustainable urban environments where roads give way to walkways, bike lanes, and green areas. Combined with better air quality as a result of less waste collection traffic, we help cities achieve this goal and improve urban quality of life.

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

The traditional waste collection includes regular cleaning of waste containers, increasing water consumption as well as the apparent risk of contaminating groundwater resources. Water consumption for cleaning can be as high as 200 liters per inhabitant each year. Our innovative system minimises this pressure on water supplies and helps reach the UN goal of improved water management globally. Envac’s system and services help reach the UN goals of responsible consumption and production by bringing the waste collection into the circular economy. The system can handle several fractions of waste and with our sorting system, recycling is made easy and cost-efficient, reusing resources in a never-ending loop. Food waste can be used to produce bioenergy and biofertilizers.

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Our pneumatic waste collection has proven positive impacts on climate change, covered in goal 13, as the pneumatic collection reduces carbon emissions by up to 90%. This is one of the reasons the European Commission sees pneumatic waste collection as best practice for urban areas and why many of the world’s cities, such as Singapore, Stockholm and Seoul have made it their waste collection of choice. The actions also call for improved recycling behaviour, which can make a huge difference in reducing environmental harm. Recent study by LocalLife, showed an increase of 48% in recycling behaviour of plastic and newspaper in Sweden among the focus group using Envac ReFlow app.

Sustainability report 2022

Envac has committed to making its global operation carbon neutral by 2030 following the publication of its annual sustainability report. Launched in June 2023, the report illustrates our environmental, economic and social achievements throughout 2022.

Read the full report

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