180.000 tons/year
The municipality of Oslo aims for a circular waste system. The amount of recycled waste is to reach 50% before 2019 and household waste sorting is mandatory.
About 80% of the inhabitants in Oslo live in multi-family housings or terraced houses so space for adding more bins is very limited. The entire municipality of Oslo, with more than 600.000 inhabitants, is using the optical sorting system by Envac.
180.000 tons/year
Food, plastics and residual waste
Considering the limited space for more bins and the amount of heavy transport in Oslo the choice fell on optical sorting.
Using Envac’s optical sorting system the municipality could keep the same bins and the same vehicles could be used while the transports could be kept at a minimum.
Food waste becomes biogas and biofertilizer, while plastic is recycled and the residual waste fraction is used to produce district heating and electricity.
In 2009 the first optical soring plant (Haraldrud) was opened in Oslo. With that, Oslo became the first major city in Scandinavia to introduce the system.
In 2012 the second plant (Klemetsrud) was deployed. The entire municipality was now using optical sorting.
In 2013 the client together with Envac developed post-treatment techniques for the plastic fraction in order to refine the material further.