Kitchen waste solutions

Make handling food waste in kitchens and catering facilities a breeze.


The Envac system handles waste from all areas of the kitchen – wet and dry waste, either bagged or loose.

When the waste reaches the waste collection terminal, its end-destination, each kind of waste is automatically directed into the corresponding container.

Our pneumatic waste collection system is the smart solution to tackle the challenge of waste in airline catering facilities. By integrating waste inlets, Envac’s kitchen waste system eliminates the risk of cross-contamination.

The hermetically sealed pipe network that removes the waste using airflow complies with the strictest hygiene requirements, HACCP

Our system can help airline catering facilities improve the levels of recycling. It makes it easier to use food waste as an environmental resource in biogas production or for composting, all while being clean, smart, and cost-efficient.

How does it work?