Sustainability Report 2023

Sustainability has become a pressing issue today. As a business, we are accountable for acting responsibly and minimising our negative impact on the environment. Envac is committed to meeting these expectations and requirements. The company is focused on preparing for upcoming EU regulations and updating its sustainability strategy. This report provides an overview of the key activities and achievements of Envac in 2023.

Quality of life

The system is highly efficient and cost-effective, requiring minimal maintenance and reducing the need for landfill sites. It operates silently and out of sight, ensuring the urban landscape remains clean and free of unsightly waste disposal facilities.

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Minimising emissions

The system reduces emissions associated with waste handling by improving operational efficiency and optimising energy consumption through automation and sensor-driven technology that can be controlled remotely. The level sensors work only when the system is at capacity, optimising space and ensuring that collection is done periodically. This reduces the need for traffic movement, which contributes to emissions in the urban environment.

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Resource circularity

The system is designed to sort, collect, and reuse waste for purposes such as recycling and waste-to-energy, helping reduce the burden on landfills. Technology has proven to be highly efficient and has the potential to reduce our carbon footprint significantly. Our digital solution, ReFlow, has been created to help individuals and municipalities manage waste more effectively while contributing to broader sustainability goals.

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Business responsibility

At Envac, we’re dedicated to ensuring that our employees and external partners work responsibly. Guided by our corporate governance policies and principles, we aim to do business fairly and ethically, ensure our suppliers follow all business standards, and provide safe working conditions for workers across the value chain. We’re also well on our way to contributing to our parent company’s reporting in line with the EU’s new sustainability reporting standard, ESRS, and complying with the CSRD, the boldest sustainability reporting directive ever adopted in the EU.

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Impact areas for Envac global data

Time to reduce the negative impact and look at waste handling as part sustainable urban development


of healthcare waste is hazardous


of plastic waste is not recycled every year

1 billion

meals of edible food is wasted every day

100 tons

carbon emissions per diesel refuse trucks in US per year


waste industry non-fatal lost time injuries in the UK are due to manual handling

Proof Of Concept, City of Trondheim

Trondheim’s sustainable urban development planning requires safety, efficiency, and space saving measures. With an innovative waste collection plan in place, an automatic waste collection system will support their primary target by keeping large trucks from residential units, saving valuable space, increasing safety, and decreasing environmental impact.

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Tackling Food Waste, South Korea’s success story

South Korea has made significant progress in tackling its food waste problem in recent years. In 2013, the country introduced a mandatory food waste recycling program, which requires households to separate their food waste from other types of garbage and dispose of it in designated bins. The waste is then collected and processed into biomass, compost or animal feed. The policy has effectively reduced the amount of food waste generated in the country.

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Proof Concept, Expo Park, Lisbon, Portugal

As the system celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, it is worth noting the positive environmental outcomes it has yielded. The Expo Park system is a successful example of improving the quality of urban life while preserving the environment. The system has supported urban planning and management by eliminating heavy-duty collection vehicles and bulky waste storage containers on the streets.

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Elevating soiled linen safety protocols in healthcare

The conversation surrounding waste management, particularly in healthcare, is multifaceted and challenging. However, by recognising the inherent risks associated with manual waste handling and embracing strategic, technology-driven solutions for soiled linen management, it’s possible to mitigate these hazards comprehensively. As industries and healthcare facilities adapt to these advanced methodologies, the vision for a safer, more sustainable future in waste management becomes increasingly attainable. See statistics and results!

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R&D resulted in improved recycling in the Barking Project in the UK

Envac has introduced the UK’s first residential cardboard shredder at Barking Riverside, one of Europe’s largest housing developments. Groundbreaking system allows residents from approximately 2,000 homes to manage large volumes of cardboard waste sustainably. The initiative is set to prevent around 105 tonnes of cardboard from ending up in landfills annually.

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New possibilities for modernisation in Barcelona in 2023

In Barcelona, the first system was installed in the Olympic Village in 1992. Envac Spain is currently upgrading 221 automated waste collection inlets across central areas of Barcelona. The Gyro model has been chosen to replace the old system due to its wider opening diameter and more ergonomic design, which were made possible through years of research and development. The new system also has real-time data collection capabilities, allowing operators and owners to have high-improved usability and availability for end users.

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Our company’s sustainability efforts are closely aligned with the UN’s sustainable development goals, leading to significant improvements in life quality in Norway, reduced food waste in South Korea, lowered emissions in Portugal and more globally in 2023. Our solutions foster responsible waste management, water conservation,energy efficiency, and reduced transportation emissions, which are crucial for driving the behavioural shifts needed to meet these goals.

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