The Sírio-Libanês Hospital in São Paulo, Brazil, has inaugurated the first pneumatic waste collection system in a Latin American hospital. The system includes two separate pipe networks, one in which the soiled hospital linen is transported and a second one for the non-infectious solid waste.
The soiled linen is transported to automated conveyors that feed the trolleys that are sent to the laundry. In the other pipeline the solid waste is transported to a waste collection terminal, where it is placed in hermetically sealed containers for shipment to a landfill.
In both cases, the collection reduces the time spent and the use of elevators and trolleys through the corridors, providing a higher productivity and cleaner environments. After disposal, which is possible on each floor of the hospital, a central computer organizes the whole operation.
The system installed in the Sírio-Libanês Hospital collects 7 tons of soiled linen and 8 tons of waste per day. In all there are 112 disposal points, distributed over 20 floors, collecting waste and soiled linen that will travel approximately 790 meters through the pipes to the station located in the basement.
The adoption of the pneumatic collection is in line with the policies adopted by the Sírio-Libanês Hospital related to the quality of care, patient safety and sustainability. The decision to use the system, taken at the beginning of the expansion of our structure, was one of the factors that contributed to the Green Building Gold obtained for the new towers. This is a great innovation in the hospital area in Brazil, with important benefits for the operation of our institution
CEO of the Hospital Sírio-Libanês, Dr. Paulo Chapchap
Environmental management
The Sírio-Libanês Hospital performs in all its units a set of actions aiming to preserve the environment. The activities are part of the Environmental Management Program, implemented in 2006.
As a result; 402 tons of paper, cardboard, plastic, glass and metal were recycled in 2016. In the same period 799 tons of organic waste from meal preparation etc were sent to the composting plant to be transformed into organic fertilizer.