
Make Every Action Count

we need to find innovative ways that boost sustainable life. Urban sustainable development is the answer that can help build a circular economy and make human life better. Learn about Envac’s journey in making urban environments cleaner and healthier

Sustainable Urban Development

It’s time to ratchet up the actions we can take as a company, and as individuals. Today, more than half of the world’s population lives in cities, and by the year 2050, that proportion is estimated to be 70%. As landfills of waste claim more of our liveable space, plastic floats in our oceans at unprecedented levels. To cope with climate change, we need to find innovative ways that boost sustainable life. Urban sustainable development is the answer that can help build a circular economy and make human life better.


of food produced worldwide is either lost or wasted

even as 800 million people globally go hungry


highest fuel consumers are garbage trucks

a truck that travels 25,000 km annually using conventional diesel emits roughly more than 100 metric tons of eCO2


 Pieces of plastic debris in the ocean

of that mass, 269,000 tons float on the surface


of plastic manufactured worldwide is single use

shockingly 85 percent of the world’s plastic is not recycled


Tonnes Of waste

is dumped every year. If this waste was put on trucks they would go around the world 24 times

Greener environment for future generations

Inspired by United Nations Environmental Programme we want to unite and bring the community together for sustainable urban development of our cities. In 2023, we start a new campaign ‘make every action count’ to set a series of awareness-based actions that will encourage people to look at ‘waste’ as a serious environmental concern and take actions to help reduce its impact. Envac has been part of the global sustainable development movement since its inception in 1961. Our mission is to make waste removal clean, safe and environmentally friendly. For the past six decades, we have been helping communities with our advanced waste-handling systems and spreading awareness about their benefits. We need to understand that an automated waste collection system is part of the solution that can support sustainable urban development.

Envac contributing to UN Sustainable Development Goals

One of the sustainable development goal is to improve health and safety of the people. Our system promotes user safety and health as it prevents unsanitary conditions, odours, and vermin, and our touchless technology reduces the transmission of infections.

As waste collection traffic is reduced in densely populated areas, deaths and injuries from traffic accidents are minimised. Our solutions for hospitals promote safer handling of contaminated laundry, as well as medical waste within the hospital. The traditional waste collection includes regular cleaning of waste containers, increasing water consumption as well as the apparent risk of contaminating groundwater resources. Water consumption for cleaning can be as high as 200 liters per inhabitant each year. Our innovative system minimises this pressure on water supplies and helps reach the UN goal of improved water management globally.

Envac’s system and services help reach the UN goals of responsible consumption and production by bringing the waste collection into the circular economy. Our system can handle several fractions of waste and with our sorting system, recycling is made easy and cost-efficient, re-using resources in a never-ending loop. Also, sorted food waste can be used to produce bioenergy and biofertilizers.

Make Every Action Count with Envac ReFlow

Revolutionising smart city governance and citizen engagement with Envac ReFlow. We are facing an enormous environmental challenge, and with Envac ReFlow we have created the infrastructure that helps cities reach their climate and recycling goals by getting their citizens involved. ReFlow is built with the world’s leading experts from the social and behavioural sciences and is designed for sustained citizen engagement. Enabled by novel urban data streams it helps us to visualize waste flows and educate citizens on recycling. ReFlow provides citizens with feedback on their recycling rates and how that is helping to reach the city’s environmental goals. Reduce, reuse and recycle is the core mantra with focus on promoting increased recycling of what ends up as waste.

Envac’s automated waste collection system helps communities reduce environmental impact


Keeping hospitals safe and hygienic

sanitary and sustainable solutions for patients and staff


Envac Hospital – Efficiency and logistics

High performance, fast collection, sealed transportation from ward to waste collection terminal, 24/7 availability and adaptable to any volumes. The closed system and touch-free waste inlets minimize the spread of infections, droplet transmission and accidents.


Envac Hospital – Patient safety

With an Envac system (aka AWCS/PWCS), waste and soiled linen is transported in a closed pipe network hidden within the fabric of the building.

There is no longer any need to manually move waste or linen around in busy corridors and lifts.


metric tonnes of plastic has been made Since 1950

sadly, only 9% of this has been recycled. If these trends continue, by 2050 we’ll have produced 26 billion metric tons of plastic waste, almost half of which will be dumped in landfills and the environment.

Still wondering? How Envac system can help

reducing carbon emissions

making your city a smart city

keeping hospitals safe and hygienic

improving recycling habits

keeping the environment safe and clean