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Envac wins two tenders worth almost €10 million for pneumatic waste collection in two French hospitals

The company will deploy its technology in the New Artois Metropolitan Hospital in Lens and the Lariboisière – Fernand-Widal AP-HP Hospital in Paris. With these new contracts, and once the new pneumatic waste collection systems are operational, Envac will have equipped six hospitals in France with their technology.

Stockholm, March 5, 2024 – The company will deploy its technology in the New Artois Metropolitan Hospital in Lens and the Lariboisière – Fernand-Widal AP-HP Hospital in Paris.

With these new contracts, and once the new pneumatic waste collection systems are operational, Envac will have equipped six hospitals in France with their technology: the New Artois Metropolitan Hospital in Lens, the Lariboisière – Fernand-Widal Hospital AP-HP, Nantes University Hospital, Pontchaillou University Hospital in Rennes, Hautepierre Hospital – University Hospitals of Strasbourg and Montpellier University Hospital.

The first four are at different stages of construction while the last two began operating in 2008 and 2012 respectively.

Construction of the New Artois Metropolitan Hospital (Lens)

The New Artois Metropolitan Hospital project is worth 6.9 million euros. It is executed in a 611-bed hospital and will provide the facility with a pneumatic waste collection system which will collect and manage three fractions of waste: soiled linen, general hospital waste and infectious waste. The system to be installed in this hospital, as in Rennes, will allow the transport and separate treatment of type III sharp infectious waste with on-site sterilization (scalpels, needles, and any metal material that could be a vectorfor transmitting diseases). 

Nouvel Hôpital Métropolitain de l’Artois (Lens)© Michel Beauvais Associés

The engineering, project management and installation of the project are carried out by the technical team in Madrid, where the headquarters of Envac Iberia and its division for Southern Europe, the Middle East and Africa are located.

“The solution for the disposal of soiled linen and waste is a complementary component of the overall approach implemented for the New Artois Metropolitan Hospital combining robotic and automated logistics, digital building management, handling, and onsite conversion of infectious waste to non-infectious, vertical storage, etc. The objective is to improve patient care, reception conditions and working conditions by relieving caregivers as much as possible of additional tasks.” specifies Bruno DONIUS, General Director of the Lens Hospital Center.

Find out more about the hospital here:

New Lariboisière AP-HP Hospital (Paris)

The New Lariboisière AP-HP project in Paris covers an implementation budget of 2.8 million euros. The 489-bed facility will accommodate a transport system for general hospital waste and soiled linen fractions. The pneumatic waste transport system in hospitals improves logistics inside hospitals by eliminating the use of elevators and cargo lifts and saves floor space previously used for intermediate storage of waste bins.

Hôpital du Nouveau Lariboisière AP-HP (Paris) – © Byencore

It also has a positive impact on facility hygiene by minimizing physical contact between people and soiled linen and waste. Waste is transported through a closed pipe network instead of being transported in carts through hallways and elevators. This creates a safer environment for the movement of patients, hospital staff, and visitors.

“The New Lariboisière AP-HP hospital will be equipped with a network of pipes allowing the evacuation of soiled linen and general hospital waste. The collection points located within the care units themselves will enable nursing staff to save time, reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and ease logistical flows in the hospital, while securing these two circuits. » explains Mathieu RABIER – Logistics engineer – Lariboisière Hospital – Fernand-Widal AP-HP. 

César Moraís, commercial director of Envac Iberia, assures that “waste management based on pneumatic technology has generated savings of almost 20% in hospitals. Once the operator has introduced the waste into the system, there is no more manual or visual contact with the waste. This improves the hygiene and safety of healthcare workers. In addition, as it is a hermetic system, it avoids leachate, liquids from waste which can contain toxic substances and cause nuisance.

Find out more about the hospital here:

Read more about Envac’s solutions for waste handling in healthcare facilities here
