Game-changing waste collection for smart hospitals & nursing homes

To further improve sanitary conditions, Envac introduces a new development – a system for handling infectious waste.

Infectious waste is put in special bags which are disposed of in a separate inlet and transported in a standalone system. In the collection station, the system converts the infectious waste into non-hazardous waste, which can be mixed with other waste or remain in a separate container. To maintain sanitary conditions, this system is disinfected automatically at regular intervals.

How does it work?

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Inlet point. The number of inlet points and their location are defined by the functions of the hospital. Green pipe for general hospital waste and recyclables Red for soiled linen. Infectious waste is collected in a separate, hermetically sealed pipe (yellow pipe).Air inlet valve for waste and linen transport pipes.Air inlet valve for the infectious waste transport pipe.The pipe network runs from the inlet points to the collection station hidden behind walls, in ceilings and in the service corridors.In the collection station air and materials are separated, and the materials compacted into containers.The system converts the infectious waste to non-hazardous waste, which can be mixed with other waste or remain in a separate container. To maintain sanitary conditions, this system is disinfected automatically at regular intervals.Soiled linen bags drop into containers for transport to laundry facility.The transport air is filtered before being released.All materials are collected at one single point. The collection station is typically located in the technical area at the back of the hospital.All processes are automatically controlled by Envac's own development Envac Automation Platform (EAP).

One System – Multiple Flows

Envac’s hospital system differs from the traditional waste collection system. It manages the safe and clean disposal of laundry, waste, recyclables, and infectious hospital waste through separate pipes within a single system. Touchless technology with sensors identifies the type of waste and allows access without physical contact, reducing infection spread.
This system eliminates the need to transport laundry on trolleys outside the ward, minimising the spread of bacteria and reducing operational costs.

Reduction in Infection Spread

With the Envac waste collection system, the physical contact between people and contaminated materials is minimized during the collection of waste, laundry, and infectious hospital waste. Instead of being transported on trolleys through corridors and lifts, the waste is moved through separate, sealed pipe systems. This ensures a safer environment for patients, staff, and visitors.

The closed system and touch-free disposal points also significantly reduce the risk of infection spread and accidents.

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Sensors detect the type of waste in the bag and ensure staff have the correct authorization. The hatches open and close automatically.

Sustainability and hospital image

For any hospital, patient and staff welfare is crucial, but hospitals also can play their part in a more sustainable future. The Envac system can be designed to handle several waste fractions within the hospital.

Our system also removes the unsightly manual transport of waste and laundry throughout the hospital, providing patients and visitors with a better experience of the hospital. An eco-friendly hospital environment with state of the art technology attracts both top health care professionals and patients.

Cost Efficient

Reducing manual handling of laundry and waste is not only beneficial from a health perspective, but it is also cost-efficient. The automatic transportation of our pneumatic waste collection reduces the need for a large workforce of orderlies and hospital attendants to transport and sort laundry and waste. Less waste transportation with carts in corridors and culverts also reduces the wear and tear of the hospital building which means less maintenance cost.

Our automated waste collection system is integrated in the walls, floors, and culverts of the hospital building and removes the need to transport laundry in trolleys or carts, minimizing the spread of germs and bacteria as well as reducing operational cost.

Read our case studies
The pneumatic waste system handles laundry, waste, recyclables, and infectious waste from all hospital buildings. The terminal can be located alongside other technology in the logistics building.

Patient safety

With an Envac system (aka AWCS/PWCS), waste and soiled linen is transported in a closed pipe network hidden within the fabric of the building.

There is no longer any need to manually move waste or linen around in busy corridors and lifts.

Improved working environments

When waste and soiled linen is collected with an Envac system (aka AWCS/PWCS) the physical contact between human and dirty material is kept to a minimum.
The risk of waste related strain injuries, cut wounds, accidents and infection is close to eliminated.
Elevators can be used for transportation of patients, staff and visitors – not for carts with waste bags.

Low operational expenditure

If hospitals can reduce the wear and tear attributable to transporting waste materials in vehicles and carts, it also means they can reduce their maintenance costs. By pneumatically transporting waste and soiled linen in sealed pipes, hospitals can also reduce their staff costs, too.

Hospital image

An eco-friendly hospital environment with state of the art technology attracts top health care professionals and patients.

Enhanced logistics, improved efficiencies

High performance, fast collection, sealed transportation from ward to waste collection terminal, 24/7 availability and adaptable to any volumes. The closed system and touch-free waste inlets minimize the spread of infections, droplet transmission and accidents.

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