Envac Hospital – Hospital image
An eco-friendly hospital environment with state of the art technology attracts both top health care professionals and patients.
An eco-friendly hospital environment with state of the art technology attracts both top health care professionals and patients.
Pneumatic transportation of waste and soiled linen in sealed pipes means less need for cleansing and transportation staff = reduced manpower costs.
Less waste transportation vehicles and carts in corridors and culverts means less wear and tear of the building = reduced maintenance costs.
When waste and soiled linen is collected with an Envac system (aka AWCS/PWCS) the physical contact between human and dirty material is kept to a minimum.
The risk of waste related strain injuries, cut wounds, accidents and infection is close to eliminated.
Elevators can be used for transportation of patients, staff and visitors – not for carts with waste bags.
With an Envac system (aka AWCS/PWCS), waste and soiled linen is transported in a closed pipe network hidden within the fabric of the building.
There is no longer any need to manually move waste or linen around in busy corridors and lifts.
High performance, fast collection, sealed transportation from ward to waste collection terminal, 24/7 availability and adaptable to any volumes. The closed system and touch-free waste inlets minimize the spread of infections, droplet transmission and accidents.
Envac’s system removes waste in a hermetically sealed pipe system, hidden in the fabric of the hospital, behind walls, under floors, and in culverts. This eliminates the need to transport used materials out from the ward on trolleys or carts limiting the risk of potential accidents and Hospital Acquired Infection.
To further improve sanitary conditions, Envac introduces a new development – a system for handling infectious waste.