

Matrix & Trim Removal System Precision Air Convey

Increase productivity and save money with PAC’s trim removal systems.

PAC’s pneumatic trim removal systems decrease downtime by eliminating clogs and jams.
Our cutters chop trim into small, easy-to-convey pieces that can be sent through ductwork efficiently, swiftly and without buildups.


PAC Label Matrix Removal Overview

A quick, one-minute video which illustrates how a PAC matrix removal system can increase your production while lowering your costs.


Precision AirConvey: The #1 Choice for Trim and Matrix Removal Systems Processing has started

Precision AirConvey is an international leader in the manufacture, installation and service of trim and matrix removal systems for the labels, paper, film & sheet and other industries. Based in Newark, Delaware, USA, the company manufactures high-quality cutters and pneumatic convey systems. These systems enable manufacturing companies to effectively remove trim materials and eliminate costly clogs or breakdowns and keep factories running smoothly.